Frequently Asked Questions
Where is the Ribfest site?
Whitby Victoria Fields are directly south of Iroquois Park Sports Complex. South of Victoria Street between Gordon St and Watson Street. The site is easily accessible by walking, bike, taxi and public transit.
Parking will also be available. For a map and full parking information, click here.
What is the cost of admission?
Admission is free! Volunteers will be accepting voluntary donations at the entrance.
Do vendors accept credit or bank cards?
Some vendors are cash only and others accept credit and debit cards. There is an ATM on site.
What other kinds of foods are available in addition to pork ribs?
Our diverse food vendors will serve beef ribs, chicken, hot dogs, hamburgers, corn, mexican food, french fries, fried onions, donuts, funnel cakes, popcorn, ice cream, and much more…
Are there vegetarian foods available?
Yes, corn and other vegetarian options exist.
Are children allowed in?
Yes! This is a family-friendly event! Bring the whole family!
Where is Accesible parking or drop-off?
Access to the parking lot known as Victoria Street Fields Lot or the north soccer field, south of Victoria Street, across from Abilities Centre. will be restricted to special needs as well as drop- off/pick up privileges and by special permit parking only.
What are the hours of operation?
Friday July 12 – 12 PM to 11 PM
Saturday July 13 11 AM to 11 PM
Sunday July 14 11 AM to 8 PM
What bands are playing/when?
A full listing will be posted on our entertainment page closer to the event date
Is there camping near by?
Camping is available at Darlington Provincial Park (18 kms)
What if I boat to the event?
Boat Slips are available at the Whitby Marina.
How do I become a sponsor?
Please make your interest known by contacting our “Sponsorship Department” via our Contact Form.
How do I become a marketplace vendor?
Please make your interest known by contacting our “Marketplace Vendors Department” via our Contact Form.