Location and Site Plan
From July 12th – 14th, 2024 the location for Whitby Ribfest is: 203-269 Victoria St W, Whitby, ON L1N 0A8
The only official Parking for the Whitby Ribfest will be at the GO Transit Parking lot at the corner of Henry St. and Victoria St. Please respect our neighbors and local businesses and use only the official parking at GO Transit. Whitby Ribfest visitors may NOT park in the boat launch or either of the soccer field parking lots (Watson or Victoria).
There are two entrances to the lot. One entrance is located off of Henry St. and one off of Victoria St. Please use extreme care when crossing the street and use the lights at Henry & Victoria Streets. This is a high traffic area, please do not jaywalk. The GO Transit lot is a short walk to the Whitby Ribfest gate.
Site Plan
Click to open enlarged “Site plan”.
6th Annual Whitby Ribfest
203-269 Victoria St W, Whitby, ON L1N 0A8